jeudi 31 mars 2016


Jeudi 31 mars 2016


François Hollande, un président abîmé à l'approche de 2017
Le renoncement sur la révision de la Constitution amorce une fin de mandat délicate pour le chef de l'État.


Manuel Valls dans la nasse après deux ans à Matignon
INFOGRAPHIES - En chute dans les sondages, le premier ministre célèbre un anniversaire au goût amer.


Popularité : Manuel Valls atteint une cote d'alerte dans les sondages
ANALYSE/INFOGRAPHIES - Par rapport à ses prédécesseurs, l'actuel premier ministre est celui qui est le moins populaire après deux ans d'exercice. Au fil des mois, son avantage face à Hollande s'est réduit.


L'affaiblissement conjugué du couple exécutif
Le contre-point de Guillaume Tabard -


Le blues des socialistes, à treize mois de la présidentielle
Ils sont peu nombreux au sein du PS à miser sur la réussite du grand plan de reconquête de l'opinion de François Hollande


Manuel Valls : des tops et des flops
À l'occasion des deux ans de son accession à Matignon, le point sur les réussites et les ratés du premier ministre.


La loi El Khomri devrait encore évoluer à l'Assemblée nationale
Le rapporteur et les frondeurs veulent revenir sur des points durs du texte, notamment l'article sur le licenciement économique.


Le fait politique du jour - La loi El Khomri va-t-elle aussi passer à la trappe ?
Le fait politique du jour - Au lendemain de l'abandon de la révision constitutionnelle sur la déchéance de nationalité, les opposants à la loi Travail retrouvent de la détermination.


L'éditorial d'Yves Thréard


Le FN veut monter un «gouvernement fantôme» en vue de 2017
LE SCAN POLITIQUE - La direction du parti de Marine Le Pen envisagerait la constitution d'un cabinet afin d'identifier à l'avance les membres potentiels d'un futur gouvernement, y compris hors des rangs du FN.


Raffarin ne veut pas de Bayrou comme premier ministre de Juppé
LE SCAN POLITIQUE - Pour le sénateur, soutien d'Alain Juppé à la primaire, le président du MoDem est trop «à la marge» pour gouverner avec le maire de Bordeaux, si ce dernier accédait à l'Élysée.

Les plus lus
Primaire: NKM perd son combat pour des parrainages «ouverts»
François Hollande, un président paralysé
Le Maire, le troisième homme en embuscade


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mardi 8 mars 2016

Un consistoire décidera le 15 mars de la date de la canonisation de Mère Teresa

2 octobre 2010 : Bougies à l'effigie de Mère Teresa vendues à l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance, chapelle Saint-Louis de l'hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris (75) France. ZOOM
2 octobre 2010 : Bougies à l'effigie de Mère Teresa vendues à l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance, chapelle Saint-Louis de l'hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière

Le pape François annoncera bien le 15 mars la date choisie pour la canonisation de la célèbre religieuse albanaise Mère Teresa de Calcutta.
2 octobre 2010 : Bougies à l'effigie de Mère Teresa vendues à l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance, chapelle Saint-Louis de l'hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris (75) France. ZOOM
2 octobre 2010 : Bougies à l'effigie de Mère Teresa vendues à l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance, chapelle Saint-Louis de l'hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris (75) France. / P.RAZZO/CIRIC/
Un communiqué publié lundi 7 mars par le Saint-Siège confirme que le pape François annoncera bien lors du consistoire ordinaire du 15 mars la date choisie pour la canonisation de la célèbre religieuse albanaise Mère Teresa de Calcutta.
Il annoncera également la date de canonisation de quatre autres bienheureux, parmi lesquels un jeune « Cristero » mexicain, tué à l’âge de 14 ans durant la sanglante guerre entre les paysans catholiques mexicains et le régime laïciste du « chef suprême » Plutarco Elias Calles (1924-1928).
José Sánchez del Río a été déclaré martyr et béatifié le 20 novembre 2005. Le 21 janvier 2016, le pape François lui reconnaît un deuxième miracle. Le jeune « Cristero » refusa de renier sa foi catholique, préférant la mort à l'apostasie.
A lire aussi  : Le Vatican publie le programme du pape pour le Carême
Plusieurs sources annoncent déjà pour début septembre la canonisation de Mère Teresa, la fondatrice de la congrégation religieuse des Missionnaires de la charité.

vendredi 4 mars 2016

Ola marinheiros ! ... tudo bem ? ...

oui donc ci-dessous, pétition pour Eric Sommer  qui aura bientôt passé 4 ans en prison à attendre son jugement , à Sainte Lucie, sud de la Martinique, ou j'étais il y a un an, mais ce n'est qu'en début de semaine que j'ai pris connaissance de cette affaire.
en bas de page ,vous trouverez le lien du forum de hisse-et-oh ... feuilleton souvent exaspérant comme à l'habitude ... 
abraço todos

Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, West Indies: Free Eric Sommer
Eric Sommer is a victim of the so-called justice of St. Lucia. Cruiser on his mooring at Rodney Bay, more or less 100m away from the beach, he defended himself against the intrusion of an inhabitant of St. Lucia, in the beginning of the afternoon. He managed to impress the man and sent him back where he was coming from, he entered in his companionway and relaxed. He doesn't surveyed his aggressor, his boat is an old, big fishing ship, so no view from the living on the surrounding sea. 

The man didn't managed to reach the shore and died drowned. A local fisherman took him in his boat and brought him to the beach. There the first aid workers broke him nine rips with a heart massage! The conclusion of the autopsy is clear, no blunt trauma, no significant injuries, asphyxia by drowning.

The man, unemployed, was known as an adopted to drugs, dealer and occasionally pimp. Dangerous when drugged, but as it seems "protected" by members of his family, high graded in the St. Lucian police. 

In the middle of the afternoon Eric was taken in for questioning by the police, suspicion of murder. He had to leave his boat open, with his dog left to himself.
The dog was taken care of by a local, paid for by Eric's father, but nevertheless died poisoned with rat poison the 12th May 2013! 

Today, at the date of 25th January 2014, since more than 623 days, 14952 hours, he wastes away, his health declining in prison, together with real rapists, murderers, suffering physical and psychological violence, without an act of accusation established, without any process. Within the last 21 months, he was brought to the court 4 or 5 times, just to be told that the file is not complete, he has to wait again and come back after another six months.

The dossier is empty! It is not Eric's fault if the man bordered his boat in an aggressive way, it his not his fault that the man didn't reached the beach and it is not Eric's fault either if the man was a bad swimmer. He just didn't had to come! Eric didn't killed him!

For information, this 17th January, a couple of British citizens, in their 60th, was aggressed in St. Lucia, round about midnight anchoring in the bay of Vieux Fort, by three to five young St. Lucian's. The cruiser, trying to protect his wife was beaten to unconsciousness and thrown overboard to drown. His wife, beaten as well, is blessed by cuts in her face. The police, the Prime Minister and the Chairman for security declared "he is dead because he tended to fight back"!
Do you think he should have assist to the rape of his wife, let his home be robbed and thank them for coming?

This 23rd of January should have seen the audience for the act of accusation. The represent of the French Embassy, the French Consul, the lawyers were present...and the judge didn't came, without advising! No audience...just wait, wait again... 

If you think that Eric should have offered a coffee to his visitor, money, his girlfriend and brought him back to the beach, don't sign!

If you feel concerned by this story, which could have happened also to you, sitting comfortable in your living room, viewing "Mechanic Orange" by Stan Kubrick, sign and share l' information:

Boycott St. Lucia, country having the world's 22nd highest murder rate, according to UN figures.
"I wish to assure you that as a destination St. Lucia remains relatively safe for nationals and visitors alike," Lorne Theophilus, the tourism minister, said.

40 murders a year for an island with 180 000 inhabitants, which would be about 15 000 in France, for sure, this is only "relatively" safe. 


Mister Kenny Anthony, Prime minister of Santa-Lucia, West Indies.
Mister Lome Theophilus, Minister of Tourism of Santa-Lucia, West Indies.

We address you our request, a lot of people, citizens of the world spending holidays in your hotels, cruisers visiting your island, to demand the liberation of Eric Sommer, imprisoned since now 22 months, suspected for murder even so he hasn't killed anybody and the dossier is sleeping in the wheels of your justice.

The 12th May 2012 he just dared to defend himself against the intrusion of one of your citizens, climbing on board of his Sailing yacht without authorisation. Moored at Rodney Bay, about 100m from the beach he gave his aggressor the order to get back to where he was coming from. His visitor jumped overboard and drowned himself on his way back to the shore because he was a bad swimmer. The autopsy report is clear, no blunt trauma, no significant injuries, asphyxia by drowning.

So we ask you the following question: If one person enters your residence and you make him flee, will you be a murderer if this person jumps over your fence and dies in a car accident because he hurts his ankle and is not walking strait and nicely? No, for sure.

It is the same in the case of Eric Sommer. He didn't killed your citizen who is dead due to his own fault!

Insecurity in the Caribbean Islands is a fact; robbery, aggressions, rapes, murders against cruising tourists are existing in too big number and you want us to let our wives be raped and our boats burgled? 

And if we defend ourselves successful we find ourselves back in prison? No, for sure. 

Are we supposed to remember you the base and murdering aggression of the British couple, Roger and Margaret Pratt, at Vieux Fort? 

Free Eric Sommer and improve the security on your island if you intend to save the tourism business.

Best regards

The signatories 

  Un canot avec à son bord 19 corps en état de décomposition avancée a été retrouvé jeudi par les autorités de Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, le plus...